Snowstorm tip sheets
Staying safe outdoors during winter weather
Tips to protect your health and safety when temperatures drop.
Working in extreme cold
Working under extremely cold conditions is not only inconvenient and uncomfortable, it can pose serious threats to your health.
Traveling safely during winter weather
While you should try to limit your outdoor exposure as much as possible during winter storms, sometimes it is unavoidable.
Indoor safety during winter weather
Protect yourself and your loved ones during a winter storm.
Preventing and thawing frozen pipes
As water freezes, plastic or metal pipes can break.
Snow shoveling safety
Shoveling snow poses health risks that are exacerbated by weather.
Snow thrower safety
Get essential tips to avoid injury.
When the power goes out unexpectedly
Learn ways to prepare, how to take action and what hazards to avoid.
Communicating during a crisis
Keeping in contact with your community may not be effective during and after a crisis.
Things to pack in a GO kit
Pack properly so you can leave quickly.
Financial readiness in times of disaster
Knowing your financial documents are up-to-date, in one place and portable can make a big difference at a tense time.
Coping with cabin fever
Cabin fever can sometimes occur during cold and long winter months. Get tips for coping.
Managing stress
While everyone experiences stress, learn why social support and self-care are so important.
Common reactions to crisis
Responses may seem unusual for you, but some reactions are not uncommon.
Coping with disaster
Everyone who sees or experiences a disaster is affected by it in some way.
Traumatic incident stress
Learn about symptoms and ways to maintain health following the incident.
Children's common reactions to disaster
Kids may not be able to say what’s bothering them. Learn the signs.
Reducing the intensity of stress
If left unaddressed, stress can continue to build and affect your health and ability to cope with life.
Coping with depression after trauma
Learn about typical reactions and ways to deal with emotions that bubble up.
Post-traumatic stress disorder
While often associated with the military, this can impact anyone who has experienced a traumatic event.
Grief and stress
The loss of a loved one is life’s most stressful event. Despite the talk about the “stages of grief,” there’s no real guide to mourning.
Grief and loss
Going through the grieving process is not something that must be done alone.
10 ways to build resilience
Identify ways that are likely to work well for you as part of your own personal strategy.