No matter your age, enduring a heat wave is never enjoyable. However, for senior citizens, hot weather can be more than just uncomfortable—it can be dangerous. As people age, their bodies' natural defenses against heat can weaken, increasing the risk of heat stroke, heat exhaustion and other serious health issues.
Several factors make seniors particularly susceptible to hot weather. Older adults may not sense and respond to changes in heat as quickly, often starting to sweat only after their body temperature has significantly increased. Even when sweating begins, it might not be as effective. Sweat glands can become less efficient with age, and normal skin changes can slow heat release.
Additionally, many common health conditions can impair an older person's ability to regulate temperature, including:
Diseases of the heart, lungs and kidneys
High blood pressure
Other conditions that cause poor circulation
Several medications, such as antidepressants, motion sickness drugs and blood pressure medications, can also affect temperature regulation.
Given these factors, seniors and their caregivers must recognize the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion, the two most common heat-related illnesses.
Heat stroke
Heat stroke, a potentially fatal condition, occurs when the body can no longer control its temperature. The victim's temperature can exceed 103 degrees and may rise to 106 degrees within minutes. Symptoms include:
Red, hot skin without sweating
Moist skin if caused by exertion
Rapid pulse
Intense headache
If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, call an ambulance immediately and try to cool the person down. If possible, place them in a cold bath or shower. If this is not possible, move them to the shade and douse them with water.
Monitor their temperature and continue cooling efforts until it drops below 102 degrees. If there is violent muscle twitching, do not give the person any fluids or place objects in their mouth. If they vomit, turn them on their side to keep the airway open.
How heat stroke differs from heat exhaustion
Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses large amounts of salt and water through sweating. While not immediately dangerous, it can quickly progress to heat stroke. Warning signs include:
Heavy sweating
Low blood pressure
Muscle cramps
Dark urine
Weak, rapid pulse
Nausea or vomiting
Seek medical help immediately if the victim has heart disease or high blood pressure, if symptoms are severe, or if they last more than half an hour. Otherwise, lower their temperature by moving them to an air-conditioned room, giving them cool drinks or placing them in a cool shower or bath.
Preventing heat exhaustion and heat stroke
The best way to stay cool during a heat wave is to remain indoors with the air conditioner on high. If you don't have an air conditioner, visit a shopping center, library or movie theater for a few hours. A fan can help, but it cannot replace an air conditioner. In temperatures reaching the 90s, even the best fan may not prevent heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
When going outside on a hot day, use common sense. Drink more fluids than necessary to quench your thirst, and if you're sweating heavily, choose fruit drinks or sports beverages to replace lost minerals. Start exercising slowly if your body isn't accustomed to the heat, and at the first sign of lightheadedness or weakness, stop and seek a cooler environment immediately.
Heat waves can be deadly for seniors. If you know of any older individuals living without air conditioning, check on them at least twice daily when temperatures reach 90 degrees and above.